Latest Newsletter - August 2017

PRICE LISTS: - By now you should have received your new prices list which takes effect on 1st August 2017. If you have not please contact us and we will arrange for a copy to be sent or emailed to you.


Minimum Order – We have now introduced a minimum order of 2 lengths per product. • Chop Service – Our chop service is there for your convenience should you not wish to order 2 lengths.

FLO/Framesmart – There has been some problems with pricing of chops on Framesmart, although Mike Francis tells me has sorted this out now. However please be aware that the pricing on our invoices is the CORRECT pricing and if you require a quote we are happy to provide this for you. We have also sent out our CHOP PRICE card with the new prices lists and using this should enable you to work out the ex-GST price of your chop.

PRICE LIST CORRECTIONS- Unfortunately there have been some products missed off the price list. These products are 220 range, 858-T20 & T90, 996-3 & 315. Attached is a PDF file for you to print & add to your price lists. The other products on the page are typing corrections. Download Here ...

Crawford Jul17 04

We are always looking to new fresh ideas to make “mouldings to your needs”, keep your eyes peeled for some new looks later this year and remember to refer to our website to check out our new mouldings.

SPECIAL RUNS – William & Donald are always here to assist with any special requirements you may have. If you can think it up, we can probably manufacture it. Contact us to discuss run size & pricing.